What you can eat with gastritis: proper nutrition, diet

A person is built in such a way that when he is interested in work, work, his brain is only focused on creating something, in the workplace. Often, especially emotional and sensitive people do not think about what they are eating when they have something to eat.

But when the stomach is churning, sick or vomiting, one remembers that he has a stomach, and that his body needs to be fed, preferably healthy food. When abdominal pain, discomfort, abdominal pain and nausea appear in a person only periodically, and when the pain is soothing, he forgets it and this crazy race continues again - work, home, shopping, etc.

Often, neglecting one's health becomes a serious problem. The stomach first of all suffers from malnutrition and the most common disease is gastritis, which can take many forms.

The most important thing in the recovery and treatment of gastritis of all kinds, except drug therapy, is adherence to a diet. And when, after EGD, the doctor makes a diagnosis, the question arises before the person - what foods can you eat with gastritis?

What can you eat with gastritis?

  • Porridgeis ​​the healthiest breakfast dish for anyone with stomach problems. This is especially true for oatmeal and buckwheat, they can also be cooked in milk diluted with water, porridge with gastritis should be cooked for a long time. You can not eat instant grains that do not require cooking, they have no benefit. Better to buy oatmeal and buckwheat, it is much healthier.
  • Broken and white bread- the use of rye bread for gastritis is not allowed, and freshly baked bread has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, croutons soaked in weak tea with milk or dry white bread during lunch are the best options.
  • Potatoesis ​​a very useful and important product that is best eaten as mashed or boiled potatoes. Fried fries - has a very negative effect on the gastric mucosa, it should be abandoned altogether.
  • Soup- you can not cook soup in a very strong broth, be it chicken or beef. If you can not eat vegetarian soup with cereals, then you can use meat soup, but only very liquid. You should also avoid seasoning for soups with flavor enhancers, use warm, not hot soups.
  • Meat- you can eat with gastritis, but only low-fat types - beef, beef, chicken, rabbit. Steam cuts are very useful for gastritis, as the meat is finely chopped and steamed. If it is just steamed meat, then it should be chewed very carefully and not used too much, because every meat product is a burden on the stomach. Naturally, smoked sausages and sausages that are not cooked or can not be used for gastritis.
  • Lean meat
  • Fish- only low-fat sea fish such as pollock, cod, hake. Among the river fish, perch and pike are the best. It is better to reject canned fish and fried fish altogether, during its manufacture all the useful properties of the fish are lost, and many spices and preservatives, carcinogens can be obtained interestingly. Like meat, it is best to steam the fish, limiting the spices.

Is there any milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt for gastritis?

For gastritis with high acidity

Milk is edible, especially with tea. All fermented milk products are sour milk, yogurt is also useful for gastritis, only if not too acidic. But kefir is not very useful because it has high acidity. Fresh cottage cheese in purified form is recommended. Among the cottage cheese products, various casseroles, lazy dumplings, cheesecakes baked in the oven are very good for the stomach, but only in moderate conditions.

For gastritis with low acidity

But can milk be used for gastritis with low acidity? It is not recommended to eat it completely, only if added to drinks and cereals while preparing a variety of dishes. Sour milk products, kefir, yogurt are very useful for such gastritis. Natural fresh cottage cheese can also be eaten in moderation, in the form of souffles, puddings, casseroles.

It is best to avoid using the following dairy products for gastritis:Spicy, salty cheese, fat milk and sour cream, buy curd.

Is it possible cheese, eggs, ice cream for gastritis?

  • Cheese- spicy or too salty cheese is not allowed for any gastritis, even regular hard cheese should be eaten in limited quantities in small pieces.
  • Eggs- you can eat with gastritis with high acidity, but only boiled softly or in the form of omelets, 2-3 eggs a week. With low acidity, you can also eat boiled, roasted, omelet eggs with cheese, but no more than 1 egg per day. Boiled eggs are impossible for gastritis. Extremely dangerous for gastritis are fried eggs fried in oil.
  • Ice cream, cakes, sweets- with gastritis it is impossible, especially with increased stomach acidity.

What fruits (bananas, apples, grapes, watermelons and watermelons) can be used for gastritis?

  • Bananas- Can bananas be used for gastritis? This is a healthy fruit that is low in fiber, soft, easy to digest and contains many nutrients that the body needs. And even diet No. 5 prohibit fruits such as dates, bananas, many gastroenterologists believe that its moderate use can not be harmful and bananas should and can be eaten with gastritis.
  • And applescan I have gastritis? Apples are one of the most useful fruits for the stomach for gastritis; apple sauce even cures this disease. There are only differences in the choice of apples with different acidity, with an increase - you should choose sweeter apples, and sour apples are not desirable. And with low acidity, on the other hand, apples with sour are better. With the worsening of gastritis, apples can only be eaten in the form of mashed potatoes.
  • Grapes- this fruit for gastritis is a clear contraindication, neither berries nor grape juice should be drunk for any gastritis. The special fermentation process and the thick grape skin deprive it of all its beneficial nutrients for the body, because with gastritis it irritates the mucous membranes and increases the acidity of gastric juice. Even with low acidity, grapes are not recommended to be eaten because of the thick skin and seeds.
  • Melonis ​​the heaviest plant product not only for the stomach, but also for the pancreas and gallbladder. The gastrointestinal tract even the most healthy person has difficulty dealing with watermelon, so everyone suffering from gastritis should give up a dubious product.
  • Watermelon- this is what you can eat with gastritis, but only a little. With any acidity, you can eat only 1-2 pieces. It is best to buy watermelons in late August or September - this is due to the fact that agricultural producers do not lack chemicals in the race for early harvest, so the first watermelons and watermelons in July are only harmful to health. In late August, most watermelons and pumpkins have time to get rid of excess nitrates and pesticides, and at the moment they are the tastiest and safest.

Can juice be used for gastritis?

With increasing acidity

You can drink juice only from fruits and sweet berries - sweet apples, cherries, figs, tomatoes, pears, peaches. Juices from citrus fruits are not included - oranges, oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, lemons, and also from other sour fruits - apricots, pomegranates, gooseberries, cranberries, plums, grapes. Vegetable juice - cabbage and potato juice is very helpful as a folk remedy; they have wound healing properties. All fruit juices should be drunk warm, at room temperature, as gastritis, cold drinks and foods irritate the lining of the stomach.

At low acidity

All juices are allowed except grapes. Juice of vegetables and fruits for gastritis should be diluted with water, a rose hip decoction is also very useful.

What vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage) can be used for gastritis?

What vegetables can be used for gastritis
  • What vegetables can be used for gastritis?Cooked non-acidic tomatoes can be eaten without making it worse. Regarding fresh cucumbers, there are two opposing opinions, one that should not be used categorically, and the other with mild gastritis without aggravating the condition, peeled and grated cucumbers are edible. Potatoes, beets and carrots, as well as cauliflower and green beans can be eaten, but only boiled, roasted, boiled, or in the form of soufflé, mashed potatoes, puddings.
  • What vegetables are forbidden for gastritis?Regarding cabbage, it is not recommended to use white cabbage for gastritis, as well as carrots, rutabagas, carrots, onions, mushrooms, all canned vegetables, pickles and salts, especially potato products such as chips and fries.

Is it possible to drink tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate for gastritis?

  • Tea- with increasing acidity, you can drink weak tea with milk, high quality green tea is very useful.
  • Coffee- it is very impossible to drink black coffee with gastritis on an empty stomach, even in large quantities, especially with an increase in stomach acidity. With low acidity, coffee or cocoa with milk is allowed, but only in limited quantities.
  • Chocolate- it is best to completely reject this product in case of gastritis.
  • Chicory- there is a lot of conflicting information about whether it is possible to drink chicory with gastritis? Chicory manufacturers are immediately convinced that this is a truly safe and healthy product that everyone should drink. However, in terms of its effect on the gastric mucosa, it is just as dangerous as regular coffee. If you can not deny this drink to yourself, then soften it with milk and never drink it on an empty stomach. Learn more about the benefits and dangers of chicory.
  • Carbonated drinks and kvassshould not be taken with gastritis.

Can I drink beer, wine, alcohol for gastritis?

In the event of acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis in any form, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages and low alcohol - beer, brandy, vodka, wine, etc. Even during the remission period, the use of alcoholic beverages in people with gastritis causes chemical damage to people who are already unhealthy. gastric mucosa. Alcohol provokes the production of gastric juice, which is hydrochloric acid, which damages the mucous membranes, which exacerbates the inflammatory process in the stomach.

Are there any seeds, nuts, honey, ginger for gastritis?

  • Nuts, seeds, legumes- nuts can not be used for gastritis, the same goes for seeds and legumes.
  • Honeycan be used for gastritis, as it has wound healing properties and is considered a vitamin product and useful. However, all is well in moderation, especially since many people may be allergic to bee products.
  • Gingeris ​​a very hot spice that should not be used for gastritis in any form.

Can gastritis be cured?

In neglected cases, with superficial gastritis, it is possible to completely cure gastritis if you lead a healthy lifestyle, and adhere to the following strict rules, which in practice are quite a difficult task:

  • Adhere to a regular diet, no dry food, no fast food.
  • Meals must be 5-6 times a day, at certain hours, the last meal should be at least 2 hours before bed.
  • Avoid overeating and long breaks in food.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • Work on yourself in developing stress resistance, or relieving psycho-emotional burden.
  • Lack of excessive physical training, constant monitoring of body condition, not working too much, not doing too much exercise, sleeping at least 8 hours a day at night and preferably 1 hour during the day.